Do you ever just get in a funk? Perfectly normal. Most days are positive, but there are moments where sometimes things just feel off. I usually run into funks on a weekend after letting loose #cheatday. (which I think we deserve occasionally!) I’ve found tricks to help me snap back on track so I don’t lose the momentum. I hope you enjoy these 25 ways to help boost your mood!

1. Take a hot shower. Or a bubble bath.
2. Drink a glass of water (or LiquidIV if you really need it).
3. Sweat it out! Move your body and change your mind.
4. Remember what you are grateful for.
5. Take a nap.
6. Take a cruise. I meant a drive, but a cruise works too 😉
7. Call a friend and have an intentional conversation.
8. Eat a healthy snack.
9. Listen to music.
10. Read a book.
11. Meal prep.
12. Look at your vision board. It might re-motivate you!
13. Get fresh air.
14. Do a goofy dance.
15. Stretch.
16. Clean a space.
17. Do some yoga. Deep breathing helps lower stress.
18. Set a goal.
19. Turn the lights on or open the blinds.
20. List 3 things you are proud of. (There’s a spot in the weekly reflection in The One Life Planner!)
21. Pet your puppy. 15 minutes with your pet releases feel good hormones.
22. Smile!
23. Hug someone, and let your shoulders drop.
24. Declutter. You’ll feel lighter.
25. Offer it up. Release it in prayer!
I hope this helped you! Quick tricks like these get your momentum back, mood up, and will keep you in a state to create a life you’re proud of. I believe in you! xoxo-Lauren
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