I’ll never forget when my junior high coach jogged beside me and screamed, “You run like a grandma!” during a practice. (I laughed then, and I still laugh now).
She was right. I did run like a grandma. I grew up with terrible feet and had surgery in 5th grade to fix them, so I spent two years trying to figure out how to run again. Pair that with puberty and I was pretty much a lost cause. From there I chalked things up that…I would never be a runner.
Eventually, I called myself out on that limiting belief. I finally came to my senses that being a runner didn’t mean I had to run fast or look good. It meant that I was out there trying to get better. It took years to work up to my furthest run ever: 6 miles.
I ran 5ks and a 10k, but I was ready for a bigger challenge. A half marathon.
It was brutal training in the summer months in Texas when it was 100 degrees outside. I cried on some long runs when doubt sunk in, and I wondered why the heck I ever signed up for this torture. Each run I completed, the stronger my mindset grew. I had to constantly push away the anger that I was not running very fast, but I stuck to my training plan and checked off the miles.
On race day I was able to finish without stopping. I ran alongside people of all walks of life. Different shapes and sizes, young and old. They were all runners challenging themselves to overcome limits. Boy, did I overcome some limits that day. The entire course looked like an uphill run.
I thought I would never run another half marathon after all those hills…but that’s another limiting belief I needed to call myself out on. (Race #2 is in April). Whatever your half marathon is, I hope you get the courage to run that race. I’ve found I’m much more capable than I thought – if I only decide to do it. Push your boundaries. Prove to yourself how strong you are, and don’t give up when self-doubt tries to knock you down. I’m so glad to see you create a life you’re proud of.
If you are wanting a training plan for a half marathon, here is my 12-week guide! Happy running 🙂
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